Best Book Publisher in India – Saptrishi Publication

How Can Books Change Your Life?


Sometimes, in the darkest hour or inactive moment, the book I read has changed my life. There are many books that have steered me in a new direction or taught me an important lesson. There are many books that helped me express my thoughts or feelings, and helped me to find my voice. If it wasn’t for books I’ve read I’d be a completely different person today…I’d think I’d even have a lower standard of manhood.

Good books, particularly those that are well-written are filled with that kind of power. If you allow them to be a part of your life, they will change your life, act as an additional compass or guide or provide a boost whenever you require it. I’m sure you’ll be able to identify at most one book that completely transformed your life as a being. 

If you’ve been through this change or would like to see it in a book, this article is for you. 

Here are a few ways that reading a book could change your life


Like any good conversation reading, you are listening. You’re on the receiving side of a wire transfer of information (with no transaction cost). The other person, the author, is passing on some information, at minimum, something that you had never previously: a fact or a concept or point of view, or even an emotion. They’re letting you enter the psyche of someone else (theirs, as well as their, alter egos, or their principal characters) and giving you a peek at the hidden secrets.

They are hoping that you’re willing to pay attention.

So reading flexes your empathy. It helps you connect with another person and be a part of their life story. Even if you disagree with their point of view, you begin to know them and as any scriptwriter will tell you; this is what you get with that giving-a-damn-moment muscle.


Give any book a chance to learn something. It’ll at the very least show you to be careful about what you do, say, or be a believer in. In order to make anything a reality, you need to give it a shot and in order in order to give it a shot, you must be humble. It is important to consider “OK, let me let my ego go and listen to you out.

Reading can remind you that everyone else is more knowledgeable than you are. In a way, everyone else has an advantage over you. Each of us has at the very least something better than the rest of us. Our experiences in life, by themselves, can give us an edge over the rest of the pack because no one else has lived the same life as us.

When you accept the truth of this, you humbleness grows, as you realize that you do not have all the answers. You and your world don’t have the only ones.

It’s like studying astronomy. You begin with the world that encompasses all you know about it; then you go on into the other planets the amazing sun and the stars that dwarf that sun’s rays, vast constellations formed by their own stars and planets, and so on and on.


At the very minimum, you’ll connect to the person who is at the opposite of the dialog and the writer. However, you’ll likely be connected with more than that the zeitgeist, the universe, an existence that exists in another place or could one day be yours. Reading is the lifeline to everything else.

Consider this that the book you’re reading was written years ago, in a different country, perhaps even in a different language by someone who lived an entirely different life. It could also have been published by someone in New Jersey a few years ago by someone who you’ve known. Whatever the case, you’re talking to someone else. And, when you smile enough during the reading you’ll be making an acquaintance and a more pleasant existence.

Reading helps you realize that you’re not the only one. Your challenges and hopes aren’t alone. Your existence is part of a bigger ecosystem. The best books provide you with this feeling of belonging.


The most emotional (and lasting) books you’ll find are those that serve as an image. Mirrors are placed before you as you read something that leaves you thinking that’s the way it works. It’s like you’ve found a piece of yourself.

You could be crying, smiling, or even wincing because it’s your story that reading. You’re looking to find this moment but did not realize it. The writer has accurately described this globe (your world) or reminisced of your previous experiences, shed illumination on your fundamental beliefs, or illuminated your hopelessness.

The words of an unknown person can help you get to know the person you should be the most familiar with you, and remind you that occasionally the stranger in you is there the same way. However, the more you read the more you’ll be able to learn about yourself and discover what is true.

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Reading challenges you. If you take a book seriously, you are that you are at risk of encountering an opponent. A book can be a source of headwind. These books challenge you against everything you believe in. They will tell you that human nature is intrinsically evil, or the Church is responsible or that America isn’t the most exemplary country on earth. They basically say that you’re not right.

A book with a poor design that can do this can be dismissed. But a book that’s meticulously crafted that shakes you to your center, you cannot ignore. It’ll demand that you be adamant and stand up for your beliefs.

A novel that challenges you will force you to think about those untrue facts. The truth you believed to be true will be tested and by standing up for these truths, you’ll grow stronger regardless of the outcome.

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